Understanding the Importance of Sustainability in Sushi Sushi, an exquisite culinary art from Japan, has captivated food enthusiasts worldwide. As the global demand for sushi rises, so does the imperative to adopt sustainable practices within the industry. This...
Seafood news Articles
The true cost of illegal fishing
Illegal Fishing by Some Countries is Devastating our Oceans and Economies We have previously reported that tuna populations are not nearly as robust as they were 30 years ago, as the true cost of illegal fishing is starting to become more apparent. While some fishing...
Overfishing in Africa: How Mauritania moves to stop unregulated fishing
The Work Towards Managing Poaching and Illegal Fishing in Mauritania Mauritania, the 11th largest country in Africa, has an economy that depends on the seafood. In 2013, 28 percent of the population was employed in some way in the seafood industry(1). In 2014, 16.6%...
Illegal Fishers Worst Nightmare: A Machine Learning AI That Just Got Stronger
The Global Fishing Watch just got stronger With the help of Peru and Indonesia, the sophisticated, futuristic "machine learning" AI that powers the entire program just got access to one hell of a lot more raw data. On June 7th, Indonesia published its proprietary data...
Shocking Seafood Fraud – Half of sushi in L.A. restaurants is mislabeled
Pope Francis urges action in the fishing industry
Pope Frances Calls For Greater Responsibility For Commercial Seafood Fishing Pope Francis recently called for an international effort to fight trafficking and human rights issues in the fishing industry. Why does the fishing industry have so many problems with forced...
Do you enjoy octopus sushi? We’ve got some bad news
Octopus For Sushi Fans, Newcomers or sushi Veterans Those new to the delicious world of sushi usually start with California rolls or Alaska rolls. Some people will be even too hesitant to try anything with raw fish, and can be tempted into the world of sushi with...
The “Chipotle of Sushi”: A new chain in land-locked Ohio is changing the way we look at sushi
Fusian - an new type of sushi-ya The concept is so simple it should have been obvious, but Fusion, a new sushi chain in one of the states you would least expect to see it happen is changing the way people look at sushi. The way it works is just like Chipotle. You...
Carbon monoxide still used by US retailers to keep seafood looking fresh
Banned internationally, US retailers of sushi products continue to treat some seafood with carbon monoxide to keep it looking fresh I recently read an article in the news which said that sushi grade tuna might be being treated with carbon monoxide in order to give it...