The global seafood trade is at a record breaking high

The United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization Sub-Committee on Fish Trade will be meeting in Norway next week, and preliminary data released shows that exports are at an all time high. 2013 is set to make a new record in fish trade at 160 million tonnes, up 3 million from the previous year. That is…

Finfish study warns of decreasing seafood supply

A Study That Affects Your Sushi Source Your sushi is still in danger due to overfishing. A Finfish study, published by the EU Fish Processors and Traders Association in December of 2013 has the goal of providing the information needed to allow for a sustainable and consistent fishing industry for EU member states. It is…

Changes in California Retail Food Code impact sushi chefs

The Importance of Food Preparation Regulations In order to provide a more sanitary environment, California has passed new legislation to require that all culinary workers wear gloves while handling food. Among the most vocal critics of the law are bartenders, who find gloves to be inconveniencing especially during peak hours, and sushi chefs who find…

Low Calorie Sushi Options

Sensible Options For Low Calorie Sushi Dining Sushi is a godsend for anyone trying to keep within calorie budgets and may be tired of eating boring, unsatisfying foods. While processed foods tend to sacrifice flavor in their low-calorie versions, low calorie sushi options are just as delicious (and some would argue even more delicious) than…

New Awareness Campaign INSEPARABLE is announced by the European Union

A New Effort For Food Awareness EU Commissioner for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Maria Damanaki has introduced a new, EU wide sustainable fishing campaign and program called INSEPARABLE. The campaign was created as a measure to change fish consumption to sustainable seafood in order to improve the health of Europeans and to protect the jobs…

More Omakase insights from a Redditor

I’m an avid Redditor. If you don’t know what that means… Well, I’m a reader and contributor to a social-oriented website called “Reddit” where people rarely hold back their opinions. My last omakase post took on a life of it’s own thanks to a link to it being posted to Reddit, and in the conversation,…

Why you should make sushi at home

Reasons To Make Sushi Yourself Sushi lovers are often awed at the skill and art it takes to create sushi at restaurants, enjoying the presentation and simple balances of flavors. What many do not realize is that it isn’t that hard to make yourself, and the process can be fun! The biggest reason to make…

What do QR codes have to do with sushi?

QR codes and sushi are not usually referenced in the same sentence, but they could be the next tool to promoting sustainable sushi in our high tech society. Moshi Moshi , a British based sushi chain that prides itself on sustainable practices, unveiled a test line of sushi with squid ink and rice paper edible…

Sushi Restaurants Mislabeling Fish

In an earlier post we discussed the findings of a study done by regarding the rampant mislabeling of seafood. They found that about 39% of the seafood products that they sampled were actually a different species than what was represented on the label. Is this a big deal? Yes, it is, for many reasons….

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